Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thing # 17 Rollyo

This one is aggravating!! I loved the video that Bruce did. He should consider writing Rollyo for Dummies. Sometimes I can get Rollyo to boot up, and sometimes I can’t (seems to be that the evenings are the worst time frames). At one point, I got in, signed up, and started a rollyo for the moon and planets. I tried to get back in later to work on my blog post, and I couldn’t get it load, and got a message on the screen that said “didn’t connect, too many connections”, so I went and explored the next topic for a while.

The potential for this is great! I love the idea of being able to put certain websites in one place for them to find information. I can weed out nonessential websites, or websites that are too technical for them to comprehend, and provide sites with good information at their level of understanding. I hope this is just a glitch in the system and it’s temporary.

Note to self for future reference:  Make a list of the websites you want to roll on a Word document (or similiar), then copy paste these links over to rollyo so that if you click on create roll and it WON'T, you don't lose all of your information.  It's a pain rehunting the websites you want put together!

1 comment:

  1. I too had the same issue with Rollyo. It seems like a wonderful idea but apparently it can not handle the connections especially in the evening. I like your idea of creating a word document with the web sites on it and doing a copy/paste into Rollyo. Thanks for the idea!
